I am trying to create a simple VB6 ActiveX exe and call it from Excel.
In VB6 I create an ActiveX DLL project called BigTrev, using all the default settings.
I create a MultiUse class called Trev with a single method containing no code
Public Sub HelloWorld()
End Sub
I make a DLL and register it from the command line (VB6 also registers it for me but I did it using cmd as well anyway).
Then it Excel I create a reference to my DLL in a new workbook. It clearly has been registered because the Intellisense knows about Trev and HelloWorld.
Sub cats()
Dim derek As BigTrev.Trev
Set derek = New BigTrev.Trev
End Sub
It compiles in Excel, when I step through it it fails in the second line, the Set one. Error message is "ActiveX component can't create object".
Why? I have done this or similar loads of times many years ago when VB6 was used widely, I am using Windows 7 now and I am an admin on my box.