For an insurance company, I've created PDF forms of their various insurance applications. These will be available on their website (when it is done). Each form, being in PDF, looks exactly like the printed version of the application. The idea is that a user fills it out online, hits the (visible but unprintable) "Submit" button at the bottom of the form, and the entire completed PDF is sent to the company. That way they can print it out, and carry on with their current paper filing system.
I experimented with using a "mailto:..." URL for the Submit button, but that requires an external mail program. It also gives the attached PDF a random temp filename.
Therefore, I'd like to send the PDF to a php script, change the name, and email it to the company from there. I played with it a bit, and I can reach the destination script, but I have no idea what happens to the PDF. I expected it to show up in $_FILES, but nothing.
Saving to a database is not an option.
When preparing the PDF form, you can choose how you would like to submit: as an HTML form (as Sepodati said), as XML data, as FDF (which only sends data, and will open the original PDF when displaying the data), or as a completed PDF. For ease of use for the site owners, who are not computer savvy, I'm going to send them a completed PDF that they can print.
So, the same question remains: where does my PDF file go when I get to my destination script?
I'm submitting the PDF via a Submit button on the PDF itself. You'll have to be familiar with PDF forms to understand this. For the URL, I put the destination PHP script.
In my destination script, I tried the following PHP Code:
reset ($_FILES);
while (list ($key, $val) = each ($_FILES)) {
echo "$key => $val<br />\n";
I did this for $_FILES, $_GET, $_POST, and $_REQUEST. Nothing came up, as though each array was empty. I might have done this wrong, though.
I put phpinfo() in the script, and these vars appear related to the PDF...
_SERVER["CONTENT_TYPE"] = application/pdf
_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; Adobe Acrobat Control Version 5.00 for ActiveX)
The content length is approximately the size of the PDF.
Something else I didn't notice before is that upon submission, Internet Explorer displays this page (or a name like it):
This page contains all the output from my script.