I want to enable right-to-left locales as well as left-to-right, but I only want to maintain a single set of stylesheets.
The idea is that calling application-rtl.css
will serve a rtl-converted version of application.css
(using r2).
This functionality has two use-cases:
- development: serve dynamically, converting on the fly
- production: have precompilation generate the -rtl versions (extending rake assets:precompile task)
So far, I've managed to implement a RTLConverter that enables me to serve all my stylesheets converted to RTL without having touched them at all:
require "r2"
require "tilt"
class RTLConverter < Tilt::Template
def prepare; end
def evaluate(context, locals, &block)
R2.r2 @data
Rails.application.assets.register_preprocessor 'text/css', RTLConverter
You can also implement this as an engine for sprockets to only convert files having the .rtl extension:
Rails.application.assets.register_engine 'rtl', RTLConverter
My question
How can I hook into the asset pipeline in order to:
- serving an on-the-fly converted version of any stylesheet with the name-postfix '-rtl' (look for the file without the postfix and serve a converted version of that)?
- creating converted copies with the name-postfix '-rtl' of all stylesheets during precompilation
The converter does not work in conjunction with the sass engine, but seems to work fine with less. It's been applied to a twitter-bootstrap based site and works like a charm.
The converter has not been tested in production.
If I can find a decent solution to this problem, I intend to create and maintain a gem and give it back to the community.