I'm new to flex and i need to create item and subitems in combobox, where only subitem is clickable. similar to what is shown in the given link as under: http://blog.flexexamples.com/2007/09/25/creating-a-custom-combobox-item-renderer-in-flex/ but here both header and option are clicked at the same time whereas i need that only option should be clickable Is there any way to do the same. PLease help. Thanx in advance.
1 Answers
The combobox that you want is just a normal combobox only the items are visually different.
So when you get the data inside your itemRenderer with:
override public function set data(value:Object):void
super.data = value;
if (data.isChild == false){
}else if (data.isChild == true){
You call a function that checks if a boolean in that data is true or false. If it is false a Label is bold. If trueLabel is normal.
But for this solution you have to have access to the data that you get.