
I am using a datagrid in flex and need to render each cell with a different style. What could be the best way to set a style to a perticular cell in datagrid/advanced datagrid (flex)?

I think one possible option can be extend the datagrid and override the drawRowBackgroungd function. Apart from this can i use some custom item renderer or some property similar to label function of a series, there it used to return label here we need a style.

Thanks in advance.

as soon as you ask what that "best way" to do something is, you're going to get a lot of subjectivity in your answers. What's best for someone new to Flex may not be what's best for a long time user. And everyone has their own preferences.invertedSpear

1 Answers


I think Item renderers are your best option, you can use a canvas as your renderer and do whatever to it based on the data of that cell.