
I'd like to get credit card processing AVS and CSC results (pass/no pass, yes/no, etc.) printed on our invoice PDF, but I have no idea if they are available from Magento at all. I don't see it on the backend admin section under the sales orders.

I'm working on this file for the PDF invoice:


Is it along the lines of $order->getPayment()->...?


Payment gateway: Payflow Pro (by Paypal) - this is different from Paypal Express Checkout, where the buyer goes to paypal.com to make a payment.

Magento Enterprise

Which payment gateway, and module do you use? A magento version number will also help here.B00MER
print_r($order); and print_r($order->getPayment()); and see if you find what you are looking for.Dreaded semicolon
@B00MER: I updated the post. Please take a look.musicliftsme
@Dreaded semicolon: how would I examine the array content of $order when I'm printing to a PDF? I supposed I could print array_keys() one by one to the PDF and find out which keys have which information, but is there an easier way to do this (like an arbitrary page I could load up with the order number, so I could just print_r() to the browser)?musicliftsme
add die(); after print_r or use magento log. or write the results to a file. I usually do the die() one . it's not ideal but fast.Dreaded semicolon

1 Answers


I think this should work , I found it using search for string AVS in magento paypal module


and paypal_cvv2_match / CSC?
