
I want to edit the way the invoice looks and followed the advice available here https://magento.stackexchange.com/questions/41650/how-to-change-pdf-invoice-layout and here https://www.hummingbirduk.com/remove-tax-pdf-invoices-magento/.

  • Magento version is
  • I am not looking for modules that modify the invoice look.

What I want is to realign the columns and make the TAX column dissapear. I managed to do so for simple products.

The problem is that configurable and bundle products still show the components with tax column included and the others are still displaced.

code/local/mage/sales/model/order/pdf/Invoice.php ( commenting the lines starting at line 77)

$lines[0][] = array(
            'text'  => Mage::helper('sales')->__('Tax'),
            'feed'  => 495,
            'align' => 'right'

will hide the header label which is ok.

code/local/mage/sales/model/order/pdf/Items/Invoice/Default.php (commenting this fragment starting at line 106)

$lines[0][] = array(
            'text'  => $order->formatPriceTxt($item->getTaxAmount()),
            'feed'  => 495,
            'font'  => 'bold',
            'align' => 'right'

will make tax field to be hidden for simple products, yet not for those from the simple products that are components of the bundle/configurable.

The problem is that neither of these files is responsible for the way the configurable and bundle are rendered in the PDF invoice.

enter image description here

What I could identify is that these kind of products are rendered using this function in

code/local/mage/sales/model/order/pdf/Abstract.php (line 760)

protected function _drawItem(Varien_Object $item, Zend_Pdf_Page $page, Mage_Sales_Model_Order $order)
        $orderItem = $item->getOrderItem();
        $type = $orderItem->getProductType();
        $renderer = $this->_getRenderer($type);

        $this->renderItem($item, $page, $order, $renderer);

        $transportObject = new Varien_Object(array('renderer_type_list' => array()));

        Mage::dispatchEvent('pdf_item_draw_after', array(
            'transport_object' => $transportObject,
            'entity_item'      => $item

        foreach ($transportObject->getRendererTypeList() as $type) {
            $renderer = $this->_getRenderer($type);
            if ($renderer) {
                $this->renderItem($orderItem, $page, $order, $renderer);

        return $renderer->getPage();

Yet I cannot find where the renderers for configurable are defined.

why don't you ask on the magento SO, you may have better chance to get an answer in there. (though that community is quite inactive)Edwin
@Edwin - because most are posting and being active here and all Mage related questions get faster results hereMike

1 Answers


Copy files to




In Invoice.php comment lines 146&147

$tax = $order->formatPriceTxt($_item->getTaxAmount());
$line[] = array('text'  => $tax,'feed'  => 495,'font'  => 'bold',    'align' => 'right');