
I am having a bit of difficulty with Lists in Clojure I have a quick question concerning the filter function

Let's say I have a List composed of Maps My code is:

(def Person {:name Bob } )
(def Person2 {:name Eric } )
(def Person3 {:name Tim } )
(def mylist (list Person Person2 Person3))

How would i go about filtering my list so that , for example: I want the list minus Person2 (meaning minus any map that has :name Eric)

Thank you very much to everybody helping me out. This is my last question I promise


3 Answers


For this purpose, it's better to use the 'remove' function. It takes a sequence, and removes elements on which it's predicate returns 'true'. It's basically the opposite of filter. Here is an example of it, and filter's usage for the same purposes, that I worked up via the REPL.

user> (def m1 {:name "eric" :age 32})
user> (def m2 {:name "Rayne" :age 15})
user> (def m3 {:name "connie" :age 44})
user> (def mylist (list m1 m2 m3))
user> (filter #(not= (:name %) "eric") mylist)
({:name "eric", :age 32})
user> (remove #(= (:name %) "eric") mylist)
({:name "Rayne", :age 15} {:name "connie", :age 44})

As you can see, remove is a little bit cleaner, because you don't have to use not=. Also, when working with maps, you don't have to use the 'get' function unless you want it to return something special if a key isn't in the map. If you know the key you're looking for will be in the map, there is no reason to use 'get'. Good luck!


Suppose you have something like this:

(def Person {:name "Bob" } ) 
(def Person2 {:name "Eric" } ) 
(def Person3 {:name "Tim" } ) 
(def mylist (list Person Person2 Person3))

This would work:

(filter #(not= "Eric" (get % :name)) mylist)

user=> (filter (fn [person] (not= (person :name) "Eric")) mylist) ({:name "Bob"} {:name "Tim"})

or using a more compact syntax:

user=> (filter #(not= (% :name) "Eric") mylist) ({:name "Bob"} {:name "Tim"})