
I am installing Zend framework in Ubuntu 12.04. When I try to create a new project using the command zf create project zf_test it gives this error:

Testing Note: PHPUnit was not found in your include_path, therefore no testing actions will be created.

I need to know what was that message and how to solve this.

This is not programming question...Mateusz Rogulski
Is it necessary to ask only programming question. I don't see any problem with asking questions about programming tools or environment.ehp
If you are not going to write tests with PHPUnit, just ignore it. Else install and configure PHPUnit. FYI PHPUnit is the default test library for writing unit tests against PHP. What this really means to you is that Zend_Tool will not auto generate test stubs for your application in the /tests directory.RockyFord

1 Answers


Probably you need to install PHPUnit in your system. Please follow this tutorial(it is for ubuntu 11.04 but also it works in later versions) http://www.giocc.com/installing-phpunit-on-ubuntu-11-04-natty-narwhal.html