
I find this feature of automatic selection to item index 0 in the Listbox a nuisance. In my script, I have 3 listboxes called lb1,lb2 and lb3. If user selects any items on lb2 or lb3, I intend to pop up a MessageBox to ask the user to only select items from lb1. However, due to the automatic selection items index 0 in lb2 and lb3, whenever I click on item in lb1, the MessageBox also appears.

Question: How can I disable the initial selection of item index 0 in ListBox?

This is part of my script to call MessageBox if user selects items from lb2 or lb3:

if lb2.get(ACTIVE) or lb3.get(ACTIVE):
    tkMessageBox.showwarning("Warning","Please select from lb1 ")

Please advice! Any other ways to perform the intended action will also do. Thanks.

Thx for the edit. Very little view. Do I need to add other tags to this question ?Poker Prof

1 Answers


What OS are you using?

If I execute this code (taken from the Tkinter Listbox reference page on effbot.org) on Windows, there is no default selection made in the listbox.

from Tkinter import *
for item in ['one','two','three','four']:
    listbox.insert(END, item)

EDIT : OK, now I see what you're asking. You want to check the curselection method first before trying to use get(ACTIVE).

if listbox.curselection():
    item = listbox.get(ACTIVE)

Does that help? You can find a more complete example here.