
I have a table in excel with three columns: name, organization, contract expiring (YES/NO).

I have 20 other sheets, one for each organization. On each sheet, I want the names of the people whose contracts are expiring from that company. I can do a vlookup for the first one listed, but I need the full list for each organization. Any suggestions?


3 Answers


Create a pivot table of your table.

Page fields = Organization

Row fields = Name

Column fields = Contract expiring (YES/NO)

Data items = Count of Contract expiring (YES/NO)

Use the filter on the column field and select only 'YES' values.

Use the drop down on the Page fields and select the Organization you want to view.


Assuming that your main sheet is called "List", and looks as follows:

   |    A     |    B    |    C     |
 1 |   name   | company | expired? |
 2 |   mary   |   XYZ   |    NO    |
 3 |   fred   |   ABC   |   YES    |
 4 |    ..    |   ...   |    ..    |

Then, on the sheet for company "XYZ":

   |    A    |  B   |  C   |   D  |
 1 |         |      |      |      |
 2 |    1    |  f1  |  f2  |  f3  |
 3 |  =A2+1  |  f1  |  f2  |  f3  |
 4 |  =A3+1  |  f1  |  f2  |  f3  |
 5 |   ...   |  ..  |  ..  |  ..  |

f1: =IF(AND(List!B2="XYZ",List!C2="YES"),B1+1,B1)
f2: =IF(A2>MAX(B:B),"",MATCH(A2,B:B,0))
f3: =IF(C2="","",INDEX(List!A:A,C2))

What about producing a list of just the contacts expiring and then using free DataPig Excel Explosion Add-in. [wizzard to split up data based on a column into the seperate organisation workbooks]? I don't think there is a version for excel 2007 but I have seen examples of macros about the web that do the same thing.