
I have 2 lists in 2 sheets. Each entry in both lists has an ID. The IDs in both lists are the same, but in different order. I need to extract information from Sheet2 and put it in Sheet1 for each entry, based on the list. I use VLOOKUP:


, but I get #REF! error.

=VLOOKUP(           -->the formula is located in Sheet1     
Sheet1'!B12         --> the ID
Sheet2'!A:A;        --> the column where to look for the ID (Sheet2, Column A)
2;                  --> the column from where I need to take the value (Sheet2, Column B)
FALSE)              --> I want the exact match

The real formula with the exact Sheet Names is:

=VLOOKUP('Measure List'!B12;'Total Cost Reduction per Month'!A:A;2;FALSE)

I use a German PC, so the ; works as the English version ,

Any ideas?


1 Answers


You need to include the column you're selecting in the range to select from, I.e:

=VLOOKUP(           -->the formula is located in Sheet1     
Sheet1'!B12         --> the ID
Sheet2'!A:B;        --> the **range** where to look for the ID (Sheet2, Columns A and B)
2;                  --> the column from where I need to take the value (The second column in the range, i.e. Sheet2, Column B)
FALSE)              --> I want the exact match