
I'm trying to implement Paypal's Digital Goods payment on my application, and after a little bit of research and coding, I had everything almost up and running, the only problem was this error:

SetExpressCheckout API call failed. Detailed Error Message: You are not signed up to accept payment for digitally delivered goods.Short Error Message: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.Error Code: 10004 Error Severity Code: Error

After a little googling, it seems that I need some sort of authorization to use the Digital Goods API, even on sandbox (which is just stupid, if you ask me). I tried posting on x.com, private messaging paypal staff on x.com and the usual support channel on paypal.com, and have got absolutely no answer whatsoever (it has been 1 week since I sent these). Anyone got any idea how to get the authorization? My project has been dead on it's tracks for a week, since I need to integrate paypal to continue.


1 Answers


Your question seems to be how to get Customer Support from paypal to send you the authorization. I don't believe you are using the correct channel, however.

Try sending them a message via https://ppmts.custhelp.com/ which is reserved for merchants. If you set the urgency to "some business impact" (which it is) they'll likely respond rather quickly. I had a similar issue with a related service that was resolved in about 24 hours.