I'm trying to add PayPal express checkout to my site to sell digital goods, but i get error "You are not signed up to accept payment for digitally delivered goods" when i use SetExpressCheckout from SDK. How can i enable this feature in my sandbox account?
It looks like a know issue for PayPal sandbox account, but i couldn't find working solution.
I found something in sandbox site: My business setup -> View all products ->PayPal for Digital Goods (Express Checkout)-> Apply now. And now my payment solution is "PayPal Digital Goods (Express Checkout)" instead of "Payments Pro", but i still get the same error.
EDIT 2: I removed
itemDetails.ItemCategory = ItemCategoryType.DIGITAL;
and now Express Checkout seems to work fine. But now another question: do i need to define this property to use Express Checkout in production?