
I'm trying to add PayPal express checkout to my site to sell digital goods, but i get error "You are not signed up to accept payment for digitally delivered goods" when i use SetExpressCheckout from SDK. How can i enable this feature in my sandbox account?

It looks like a know issue for PayPal sandbox account, but i couldn't find working solution.


I found something in sandbox site: My business setup -> View all products ->PayPal for Digital Goods (Express Checkout)-> Apply now. And now my payment solution is "PayPal Digital Goods (Express Checkout)" instead of "Payments Pro", but i still get the same error.

EDIT 2: I removed

itemDetails.ItemCategory = ItemCategoryType.DIGITAL;

and now Express Checkout seems to work fine. But now another question: do i need to define this property to use Express Checkout in production?

Can you provide the email address for your test sandbox seller account and I will take a look how the account is configured on my end and make sure that it is set up correctly.PP_MTS_Chad
Yes, sure. My sandbox account email is cafetestmerchant@gmail.comcmd
I could not find an account with this email address. Please make sure this is the email address of your actual test sandbox seller account and not the email address that you log into developer.paypal.com with.PP_MTS_Chad
Maybe this one "cafetestmerchant-2@gmail.com"?cmd

1 Answers


Digital Goods was not enabled on this account. I have enabled it, can you try testing with this now and see if it works.