I've been trying to learn Backbone.
I set up collection of models, each of which has it's own view that should render every time the model syncs with the server. The server sends back an ID for the model. It's seems to be rendering before the model ID is set. If you look at the console.log() output, I have it print the model's id just before it renders. I also have it print each event as it happens. I get:
undefined (model id)
change (not sure what changes here?)
Also, I have it change the model's name attribute after a 2 sec pause model.save('name', 'New Name')
. This causes another sync event, but the view doesn't update.
Here's the working code: http://jsfiddle.net/flackend/brB7y/1/
Or see it here:
var game_library;
(function($) {
_.templateSettings = {
interpolate: /\{(.+?)\}/g
var GameModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
url: '/gh/gist/response.json/2895708/',
name: undefined,
initialize: function() {
// Create a view for this model
this.view = new GameView({model: this});
// Sync model with server
// Bind events
this.on('sync', this.view.render());
this.on('all', this.console);
console: function(event, model, changes) {
console.log('['+ ++this.i +']-------------(event[:attr], model, changes)----------------');
i: 0
var GameCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: GameModel
var GameView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $('#holder'),
template: $('#game-template').html(),
render: function() {
var template = _.template(this.template);
// Instantiate new game collection
game_library = new GameCollection;
// Add a game
// Note: can only pass in 1 ID from gist, so only add 1 game.
var games = [
new GameModel({name: 'Skyrim'})
// Note: `game_library.add(new GameModel({name: 'Skyrim'}));` does
// not work for some reason having to do with instances...
// 2 sec later...
window.setTimeout(function() {
game_library.get(1).save('name', 'The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim');
}, 2000);
})( jQuery );
Thanks for any help!!