I have the following backbone view. I had a doubt. In case if a model is deleted, i call the render after cancel(First Approach), the other way of doing it would be to have an initialize function, which renders the model listening to the event changes, inside the views.(Second Approach)
Could someone please let me know, the difference between one and two. As to which of the two is better.
First Approach var AppointmentView = Backbone.View.extend({ template: _.template('">' + '<%= title %>' + 'x'),
events: { "click a": "cancel" },
cancel: function(){
this.render(); // rendering after cancel
render: function(){
Second Approach
var AppointmentView = Backbone.View.extend({
template: _.template('<span class="<% if(cancelled) print("cancelled") %>">' +
'<%= title %></span>' +
'<a href="#">x</a>'),
initialize: function(){
this.model.on("change", this.render, this);
events: { "click a": "cancel" },
cancel: function(){
render: function(){
is an example of a method that removes a model from a collection by calling a method on the model. Just saying. – jevakallio