In Vim, when I'm doing an incremental search for "x" by entering /x
I then press n
to jump to the next occurrence. If I have just matched the last occurrence at the file, when I press n
the cursor will start to look for a match at the beginning of the file---it will loop back to the beginning. I do not want it to loop back to the beginning. I want n
to simply not find any more matches after it reaches the final occurrence. The reason I want this behavior is so that I can easily see when I have searched through the entire file.
Does anyone know how to effect this behavior?
FYI: I am using the following .vimrc options:
colorscheme zenburn " zenburn colorscheme
set nocompatible " prevent Vim from emulating Vi's bugs
set scrolloff=5 " keeps cursor away from top/bottom of screen
set nobackup " don't make automatic backups
set incsearch " incremental searching
set ignorecase " case insensitive matching
set smartcase " smart case matching
set showmatch " show matching bracket
set autoindent " indentation
set smartindent " indentation
set cindent " indenting for C code
set tabstop=4 " 4-space tabs
set shiftwidth=4 " 4-space tabs
syntax on " syntax highlighting
filetype on " behavior based on file type
filetype plugin on " behavior based on file type
filetype indent on " behavior based on file type
set visualbell " replace beeping with flashing screen
set gfn=Lucida_Sans_Typewriter:h10:cANSI