So I have a situtation with ImageMagick and php where I need to processes each of the RGB channels separately and then merge them back together into the final image. So in the code I have below, $red, $green and $blue are the channels (as gray scale images). The following code is what I have tried (and a couple variations) but each time I end up with an image that only has Cyan, Magenta or Yellow showing through. In this case, the resulting image is Cyan.
$img = $im->combineImages(self::CHANNEL_ALL);
I think part of my problem is that the PHP documentation doesn't say much about how to use combineImages and there are no samples so far as I can find. So it's very likely that I'm using that particular method incorrectly, and I suspect it has to do with how I am combining the images in the single Imagick object to begin with.
This question ultimately boils down to this: How do I recreate the following script using only php?
convert tmp_r.png tmp_g.png tmp_b.png -combine tmp_rgb.png