Since this post is tagged Windows, I thought I would work out a solution for Windows. I wanted to automate the process, and I made a bat file. I resisted making a console.exe in C#.
I wanted to add any files or folders which are not added in my repository when I begin the commit process.
The problem with many of the answers is they will list unversioned files which should be ignored as per my ignore list in TortoiseSVN.
Here is my hook setting and batch file which does that
Tortoise Hook Script:
(where I checkout) working copy path = C:\Projects
command line: C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /c C:\Tools\SVN\svnadd.bat
(X) Wait for the script to finish
(X) (Optional) Hide script while running
(X) Always execute the script
@echo off
rem Iterates each line result from the command which lists files/folders
rem not added to source control while respecting the ignore list.
FOR /F "delims==" %%G IN ('svn status ^| findstr "^?"') DO call :DoSVNAdd "%%G"
goto end
set addPath=%1
rem Remove line prefix formatting from svn status command output as well as
rem quotes from the G call (as required for long folder names). Then
rem place quotes back around the path for the SVN add call.
set addPath="%addPath:~9,-1%"
svn add %addPath%