I just exchanged my Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7" (found to not work via this question I asked here: How to tell if an Android device has Open Accessory Mode) for a Acer Iconia A100 tab for the purpose of using the ADK and the open accessory mode. However, now that I have this tablet home, it is still not working! I tried it out of the box with 2.3 (nothing) then I performed the update to 2.3.1 and still got nothing! This is getting very frustrating.
The A100 is listed to work on several sites including this one here: http://www.whizzosoftware.com/forums/blog/1/entry-47-tablets-and-the-android-open-accessory-development-kit-adk/ as well as page 11 of the book "Beginning Android ADK with Arduino" (available on google books)
I cannot figure out why this isn't working. I set up everything according to here: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/usb/adk.html and everything works perfectly until I get to the last step, under "Running the DemoKit Android application" step 8. When I perform this step the tablet never gets past the "please connect a DemoKit board" screen. I have the micro USB from the tablet plugged into the Arduino ADK board (with the firmware installed) and the ADK board plugged into my computer for power.
Does this tablet not work either? This is very annoying trying to get this to work. Thanks for anyone that can help.
The only possible areas that I might be doing wrong are when I am building the android application: under "Running the DemoKit Android application" step 5. It lists "For Build Target, select Google APIs (Platform 2.3.3, API Level 10)" To do this, I am right clicking on my project in eclipse, and selecting properties>android, and then selecting Google API's level 10.
Also, when I compile the firmware for the ADK board from google, the Arduino IDE gives me several error that are all syntax that need to be changed because of updating. I forget exactly what this was but it was changing some read and receive functions I believe.