I have an Arduino-compatible ADK board with USB Host Shield.
(Specifically, it is the Seeeduino ADK Main Board at: http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/seeeduino-adk-main-board-p-846.html. It is receiving external USB Power.)
I have a custom USB accessory connected to it, and I need to do something that should be simple for this forum's contributors.
My ultimate plan is to connect an Android 3.2 tablet or phone to the ADK board and tell it to send out a hex packet to my USB accessory. But right now, I need sample code for the Arduino firmware to send hex commands out to my USB accessory.
The packet breakdown is as follows:
Name Hex Definition
STX 02h Start of Text Data
DATx --h Text Data
ETX 03h End of Text Data
CHK --h Checksum
Can someone point me to example firmware for my Arduino board to output this data packet to my attached USB Accessory?