
I was trying to show messages using a p:growl like this.to be updated on the OnRowSelect Method of a Data Table lazy loading like this

<p:growl id="applyMessages" showDetail="false" global="true" /> and     <p:ajax event="rowSelect" listener="#{editBean.onRowSelect}" update=":studyPlanEditForm:display applyMessages"/> 

but got the error like this Cannot find component with identifier "applyMessages" in view. Please Help.

check for applyMessages in the view source of the page rendered. There might be some prefix required to be added to applyMessages like :YourForm_ID:applyMessagesrags
does it works seperetly , like this ? update=":studyPlanEditForm:display" and update="applyMessages" works for you , is it producing any errors ?Daniel

1 Answers


Check the source code of your page in browser. Then identify the p:growl markup and its generated client-id. It surely is longer than applyMessages and has a prefix similar to containerID:applyMessages. Use this id in your update attribute of the ajax call.