I also fought with getting my plot axes to display in fixed notion instead of scientific notation. The most frustrating part for me was that the "x10^4" label would remain on the edge of the plot box even after I reassigned the tick labels manually to fixed notation. Finally, thanks to the post above I tracked the problem down the figure renderer. I was using 'OpenGL'. When I changed to 'zbuffer' the "x10^4" label would properly disappear when I manually reset the tick labels.
Here's an example code that apples the format '###,###.0’ to the y-axis labels, and even dynamically updates the y-labels when you zoom/pan etc, thanks to two helpful functions I found on the Matlab File Exchange. The place to find the other two functions is included as comments below example function.
function []=TickFixExample()
figure %this one works
set(gcf,'Renderer', myRenderer);
axesh = axes();
set(gca,'YLim',[20000 20100]);
figure %this one doesn’t work
set(gcf,'Renderer', myRenderer);
axesh = axes();
set(gca,'YLim',[20000 20100]);
function ticklabelformat(hAxes,axName,format) by Y. Altman, can be found at:
or by googling 'ticklabelformat matlab'
I modified it slightly by changing line 105 as follows:
tickLabels = arrayfun(@(x)(FormatNumberScalarInputStrOutput`(x,format)),tickValues,'UniformOutput',false);`
in lieu of Altman's version:
tickLabels = arrayfun(@(x)(sprintf(format,x)),tickValues,'UniformOutput',false);
that change provides for the thousands comma separator functionality by
function y = NumberFormatter( Numbers , FormatPattern ) by S. Lienhard,
also on Matlab File Exchange. My modified version of Lienhard code is
given in full below:
function y = FormatNumberScalarInputStrOutput(Number ,FormatPattern)
% adapted 12-2012 by D. Bourgoyne from NUMBERFORMATTER by S. Lienhard
% The pound sign (#) denotes a digit, the comma is a placeholder for the
% grouping separator, and the period is a placeholder for the decimal
% separator.
% The pattern specifies leading and trailing zeros, because the 0
% character is used instead of the pound sign (#).
% Examples:
% NumberFormatter(rand(5),'0.000')
% NumberFormatter(rand(5)*100,'###,###.000')
import java.text.*
v = DecimalFormat(FormatPattern);
y = char(v.format(Number));