Matlab question: this might be really simple but I can't figure it out...I'm pretty new. I have a plot window, broken up into two subplots, lets call them A and B, which have different labels and limits. I (hold on), make several plots to B, then I (hold off), then start iterating. In the loop, I want to update both A and B with NEW plots, but I want the axis labels, and xlim and ylim to stay the same, WITHOUT having to call xlabel, xlim, etc every iteration.
Now, (hold off) destroys all axis properties. How do I save the axis properties so I don't have to keep calling xlabel, etc in the loop? I've tried newplot, setting the Nextplot property, etc to no avail. I'd like a simple solution please...not something like re-writing the plot command. Thanks!
hax = axes('Parent',hfig);
hold on
%this hold off resets the axes
hold off
while (1)
subplot('Position',[.07 .05 .92 .44]);
%I want to do this without having to call xlabel, ylabel, etc
%over and over
plot(newx, newy);
hold on
plot(newx1, newx2)
hold off