I recently started to migrate many of my existing classes over to using smart pointers and I have a few questions about how to port some code that I think could benefit from the use of smart pointers (but I might be wrong of course). I have a UtlMemBuffer buffer manager class shown below via its header file.
Essentially, this class owns a vector of buffers made up of void*/length pairs. The buffer management is implemented via a helper method (UtlMemBuffer::append - the implementation of which is also shown below).
I would like to make this class use the new C++11 smart pointers so that ownership could be well defined and reallocation minimized. To use this class, client code typically passes in its own raw pointer buffer/length to the constructor, or it can call append. Eventually when the UtlMemBuffer's destructor is called, it frees its own copy, ensuring that there are no memory leaks while the caller is responsible for its copy. I think that instead of passing in raw pointers, using a std::shared_ptr would obviate the need for this type of double buffer ownership (i.e. the caller would be responsible for newing up a std::shared_ptr and passing it to the UtlMembuffer.
The biggest challenge as I see it is supporting the read method (the interface is similar to the way a file works) where I need to pass back flattened memory via a raw pointer. Perhaps a better design approach would be for me to pass back a std::unique_ptr which I create from flattening the internal collection of shared_ptrs. I am not quite sure what the best approach would be althought I would have to change quite a bit of current code that uses the class to take that approach.
Should the callers all pass in std::shared_ptr pointers for ex. I wonder what the best approach to making this conversion would be.
I am pretty new at this smart pointer business so any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
* Smart Buffer class
class UtlMemBuffer
// default constructor
const UtlPath& rBufferPath = UtlPath::ssNull,
const void* pBytes = NULL,
const size_t& rBufLength = 0);
// copy constructor
UtlMemBuffer(const UtlMemBuffer& rhs);
// move constructor
UtlMemBuffer(UtlMemBuffer&& rhs);
inline void swap(UtlMemBuffer& rhs) throw() {
// enable ADL (not necessary in our case, but good practice)
using std::swap;
// no need to swap base members - as we are topmost class
swap(mBufferPath, rhs.mBufferPath);
swap(mBufferLength, rhs.mBufferLength);
swap(mBufferBlocks, rhs.mBufferBlocks);
// unified assignment operator
UtlMemBuffer& operator=(UtlMemBuffer rhs);
// destructor - pure virtual
virtual ~UtlMemBuffer();
// add buffer to this one
virtual OsStatus append(
const void* pBytes,
const size_t& rBufLength,
size_t& rBufLengthWritten);
// comparator
bool operator==(const UtlMemBuffer& rhs) const;
// comparator
bool operator<(const UtlMemBuffer& rhs) const;
// determine the size of the buffer
size_t size() const;
* comparable interface
* @returns 0 if equal, negative val if less than &
* negative value if greater.
virtual int compareTo(const UtlMemBuffer& rhs) const;
/** copy the bytes into the designated buffer */
OsStatus read (void* pReturnBuffer,
const size_t& rMemBufferOffset,
const size_t& rReturnBufferLength,
size_t& rBytesRead) const;
// free existing linked list of blocks
void clear();
// path property
void setBufferPath(const UtlPath& rBufferPath);
UtlPath getBufferPath() const;
typedef std::vector< std::pair<void*, size_t> > MemBufInfo;
// the name of the buffer (sort of file name)
UtlPath mBufferPath;
// this is updated whenever we append data
size_t mBufferLength;
// here we have a collection of received appends (effectively blocks)
MemBufInfo mBufferBlocks;
Here is the helper method which manages access to the vector of buffer blocks. As you can see, it reallocates the raw pointers and stores them in the mBufferBlocks member.
UtlMemBuffer::append(const void* pBytes,
const size_t& rBufLength,
size_t& rBytesWritten)
rBytesWritten = 0;
if (pBytes != NULL) {
void* block = new char [rBufLength];
memcpy(block, pBytes, rBufLength);
mBufferBlocks.push_back(std::make_pair(block, rBufLength));
rBytesWritten = rBufLength;
mBufferLength += rBufLength;
return OS_SUCCESS;