Every example I've seen for ToJSON
and FromJSON
are for data types with single constructors, like so :
data RewindConfig = RConfig JobID Phase
deriving Show
instance FromJSON RewindConfig where
parseJSON (Object o) = RConfig
<$> o .: "JobID"
<*> o .: "Phase"
parseJSON _ = fail "invalid RewindConfig"
I thought I would look to how Aeson makes the instance for a type with multiple constructors, for example Either
instance (FromJSON a, FromJSON b) => FromJSON (Either a b) where
parseJSON (Object (H.toList -> [(key, value)]))
| key == left = Left <$> parseJSON value
| key == right = Right <$> parseJSON value
parseJSON _ = fail ""
The pattern-matching in parseJSON confuses me, I don't understand what is going on with (H.toList -> [(key, value)])
The data type I want to make instances for looks like this:
data Foo = Bar String
| Baz String
| Bin String
it did occur to me to do something I knew how to implement
data Foo = (Maybe Bar) (Maybe Baz) (Maybe Bin)
But that seems unsatisfying. Could someone help me out by explaining what's going on with the Either
instance, and perhaps giving me some guidance on To/From instances for Foo
update: I think the instances Aeson implements for Maybe
are much clearer and tells me what I need to know for my needs. Still, I'd like to know what's going on with Either