I'm sorry this problem description is so abstract: its for my job, and for commercial confidentiality reasons I can't give the real-world problem, just an abstraction.
I've got an application that receives messages containing key-value pairs. The keys are from a defined set of keywords, and each keyword has a fixed data type. So if "Foo" is an Integer and "Bar" is a date you might get a message like:
Foo: 234
Bar: 24 September 2011
A message may have any subset of keys in it. The number of keys is fairly large (several dozen). But lets stick with Foo and Bar for now.
Obviously there is a record like this corresponding to the messages:
data MyRecord {
foo :: Maybe Integer
bar :: Maybe UTCTime
-- ... and so on for several dozen fields.
The record uses "Maybe" types because that field may not have been received yet.
I also have many derived values that I need to compute from the current values (if they exist). For instance I want to have
baz :: MyRecord -> Maybe String
baz r = do -- Maybe monad
f <- foo r
b <- bar r
return $ show f ++ " " ++ show b
Some of these functions are slow, so I don't want to repeat them unnecessarily. I could recompute baz for each new message and memo it in the original structure, but if a message leaves the foo and bar fields unchanged then that is wasted CPU time. Conversely I could recompute baz every time I want it, but again that would waste CPU time if the underlying arguments have not changed since last time.
What I want is some kind of smart memoisation or push-based recomputation that only recomputes baz when the arguments change. I could detect this manually by noting that baz depends only on foo and bar, and so only recomputing it on messages that change those values, but for complicated functions that is error-prone.
An added wrinkle is that some of these functions may have multiple strategies. For instance you might have a value that can be computed from either Foo or Bar using 'mplus'.
Does anyone know of an existing solution to this? If not, how should I go about it?