I use logistic regression with scipy.optimize.fmin_bfgs for minimizing the cost function. The cost function stays constant for my particular data set and BFGS does not converge, so I want to apply lasso+ridge regularization.
Now, I want to try out optimizing the cost for various values of the regularization parameters lambda1/2 in order to find the best combination:
for lambda1 in range(...):
for lambda2 in range(..):
scipy.optimize.fmin_bfgs(...) # Optimize cost with lambda1 and lambda2
The problem is that, because BFGS is not converging, it stays "forever" in the call for the first values of lambda1/2.
Is there a way to automatically stop fmin_bfgs after a while? The maxiter parameter does not help me, because I have 1000s of samples and a large number of features/sample, so it doesn't even finish one such iteration in acceptable time.
In scipy 0.11, fmin_bfgs has a maxfun parameter -- can one emulate this somehow in scipy 0.10?
EDIT: By popular demand, here are some relevant snippets of code:
The function computing the cost (the usual notations apply):
def computeCost(theta, X, y):
h = sigmoid(X.dot(theta.T))
J = y.T.dot(log(h)) + (1.0 - y.T).dot(log(1.0 - h))
J_reg2 = theta[1:]**2
J_reg1 = theta[1:]
cost = (-1.0 / m) * (J.sum() + LAMBDA2 * J_reg2.sum() + LAMBDA1 * J_reg1.sum())
return cost
Invoking the fmin_bfgs function:
initial_thetas = numpy.zeros((len(train_X[0]), 1))
myargs = (train_X, train_y)
theta = scipy.optimize.fmin_bfgs(computeCost, x0=initial_thetas, args=myargs)
a special exception when the desired number of calls is reached. – ev-br