
I am working on a big legacy application written in Delphi. Most of the components are VCL and DevExpress QuantumGrid components. I would need to update the UI to support various styles and a more modern look and feel. Originally I was planning to switch to the DevExpress ExpressSkins library (I already have the full DevExpress VCL subscription) and replace all components with DevExpress components. However since than I have upgraded the project to Delphi XE2 and with it came the VCL Styles technology.

What are the pros and cons of these libraries?

I doubt VCL styles will work properly with the QuantumGrid and other DevExpress components so use ExpressSkins I'd say. At all I always prefer the DevExpress component over the VCL one when available.Stefan Glienke
Replacing all your controls with DevExpress controls may actually be more work than it's worth, and while Stefan and David have a point, I really think that the bottom line is that you are setting yourself up for disappointment either way you go. Perfect-skinning is a pipe dream, but if you really must do skinning, as of today's date, Express Skins is more mature and less buggy.Warren P

1 Answers


I haven't used VCL styles because I too have Dev Express and like to use their skins. But here are my two cents for DX skins.

Pros for DX skins:

  • look great
  • always coming out with more skins
  • styles chooser widget built in for the end user, if you use the DX ribbon in your app
  • DX has great support for their components

Cons for DX skins:

  • unusable in a Citrix or Terminal Services environment due to slow screen painting
  • each skin adds an entry to your USES clause which can be cumbersome for version control