Some background info. I work at a very small company who has recently upgraded Delphi from version 6 (!!!) to Rad Studio XE5 and things have certainly changed a lot in 10+ years. Most things seems to have been improved in the IDE and framework, but we're having big problems with the new VCL Styles feature. It's just very buggy and not up to par with the quality we were used to from Borland back in the day. We have done lots of tweaks and work arounds to get things working but one issue is really bugging me at the moment and it has to do with the preview form in FastReport 4.
- The toolbar gets a white border around it.
- Controls in the print dialog and others are misaligned or wrongly positioned
We really want to use VCL Styles to give our software a new fresh look, so we hope there is a solution to these problems.
Steps to reproduce the issues:
- Create a new VCL Forms Application
- Check a VCL Style in Project > Options > Application > Appearance, e.g. Sapphire Kamri.
- Add a TfrxReport report Component to the form
- Double click the component frxReport1 and add a Page Header band just to have some content
- Add a TButton and in OnClick event, call frxReport1.ShowReport();
- Run the program and click on the button. In the preview form you now see that the toolbar is surrounded by a white border which looks weird.
- Click the leftmost print button to bring up the print dialog and you can see how the group boxes and cancel button is positioned outside of the client area.
Do you have any solutions or suggestions to solve the issues?
Edit: RRUZ gave a good answer, but there were some side effects to his solution to problem #1 so I decided to simplify the code and just paint the border around the toolbar manually. Like this:
procedure TToolBarStyleHookEx.PaintNC(Canvas: TCanvas);
if TToolBar(Control).BorderWidth>0 then
Canvas.Pen.Width := 4;
Canvas.Pen.Color := StyleServices.GetStyleColor(scWindow);
Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;