
I have a simple question. I want to run a bat file that should run post build. The bat file takes in to parameters previousVersion and currentVersion (These parameters are entered as Validating String Parameters before the build starts).

This is what I have tried Execute Windows Batch Command

set v = %currentVersion%
set pv = %previousVersion%
cmd \k "C:\jenkins\workspace\mybatfile.bat %pv% %p%"

The error I get is that cmd is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file exit 9009


4 Answers


Replace "cmd \k" with "call"

The Execute Windows Batch command is running inside a cmd already; no need to specifically start a new one. Just "call" your BAT file.


if you want to start a separate Command window you can try:

start cmd \k "your\bat"

here is a reference: http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/ntcmds.mspx?mfr=true


I tried to do like this, first point it to the path where your bat file exists, and then 'call' command to trigger that bat file. As below:

cd yourFilePath

and then

call yourFile.bat

Create file name jenkins.bat and place this file where your jenkins.war file is available.

You have to click jenkins.bat file.

Note :- After click on jenkins.bat file, chrome browser will automatically open with jenkins url.

Try this If your system configured with Java 8 or 7 Installation.

timeout 3
start chrome http://localhost:8080
timeout 3
java -jar jenkins.war

Try this If your system configured with Java 10 or above Installation.

timeout 3
start chrome http://localhost:8080
timeout 3
java -jar jenkins.war --enable-future-java