EDIT: NSLog output works well in the simulator, but doesn't work when connected to a real device. And it seems that it is a bug — http://openradar.appspot.com/11148883. Also it happens that it is related to the LLDB, switching Xcode to GDB resolves the problem. Either it's possible to JetBrain's AppCode, which works well with the LLDB.
I have a bunch of unicode strings in the application, and if I try to output any of those strings using something like NSLog(@"%@", aString) then all the ASCII characters in the string will be printed fine but all the cyrillic letters will be messed up, so instead of
newLocation: coordinate:60.019584,30.284954 'Удельная'
I'm getting:
newLocation: coordinate:60.019584,30.284954 '–ü–æ–∫–ª–æ–Ω–Ω–æ–≥–æ—Ä—Å–∫–∞—è'
And that's quite hard to do any debugging with that kind of output. And because that app is targeted for the Russian market only I can't just change locale and use English strings.
So I wonder if there any way to make NSLog work well with unicode characters? And I'm looking only for some kind of one-liner solution, I know that there are some ways to write half a page of code and output unicode chars, but I'm looking for something shorter. Ideally I'm looking for some method of NSString that will make it all work. e.g.
NSLog(@"%@", [aString someThingThatMakesUnicodeWorkWithXcodeConsole]);