My application visualizes data using a variety of chart types. Some data visualized by a pie chart includes negative values. Pie charts aren't designed to display negatives.
Any other options for solving this? How have you done it?
My application visualizes data using a variety of chart types. Some data visualized by a pie chart includes negative values. Pie charts aren't designed to display negatives.
Any other options for solving this? How have you done it?
Recently I thought about the same problem, and made rough sample like this.
Please assume that item B has negative value.
'arc' and 'pie' function of d3.js are very convenient to use.
Working sample is here.
I also added concentric circles, like this.
You could use a donut chart around the pie, using one to represent positive values and the other negative values. The key here being the value that represents 100% is the same for both positive and negative. The result is a visual representation of what is positive, negative, and how positive or negative overall the set is.
You could use two donut charts around each other. One represents negative values and the other one positive values (possibly indicate which one is which by using different color gradients, e.g. green/red). The trick is to choose the radius of each donut according to the positive or absolute negative value. If you have an overlap adapt the visualization so that the border between both donuts is exactly at the average of both absolute values.