I have an angular app with highcharts, in the case of the pie chart, I have a list of colors to use on each slice. I restricted the pie to have only 10 slices. I need to put some colors on the slices in order from the biggest slice to the smallest.
Here's the pie chart configuration:
pieChartOptions = {
chart: {
type: "pie"
title: {
enabled: true,
text: this.xAxis.name + " by Daypart",
verticalAlign: "top",
align: "left"
credits: {
enabled: false
xAxis: {
title: {
text: this.xAxis.name
yAxis: {
title: {
text: "Reach"
series: [{
data: null,
colors: ["#205493", "#BE5873", "#81CACF", "#E98841", "#E3D830", "#A6C46F",
"#894C7B", "#BA9765", "#7F7F7F", "#C3C3C3"],
dataLabels: {
enabled: false
The colors
array should be in order from the biggest slice to the smallest. The problem is that I also have a line chart that when on hover the line updates the pie chart, so the sizes are dymamically changing.
Here's the data setup for the pie chart:
loadCharts() {
let presentationResults: OptimizationAllocationGroupByTrps[] | OptimizationAllocationGroupByCost[] = [];
this.xAxis.name = this.selectedOption == null ? "TRP" : this.selectedOption;
if (this.selectedOption === "Budget") {
presentationResults = [...this.projectResults.OptimizationAllocationGroupByCost];
} else {
presentationResults = [...this.projectResults.OptimizationAllocationGroupByTRPs];
this.chartOptions.series[0].name = this.xAxis.name;
this.chartOptions.series[0].data = [];
this.chartOptions.series[0].data = [... this.projectResults.Curves.filter(x => x.Type === this.xAxis.name)[0].Points];
presentationResults.forEach((oa: OptimizationAllocationGroupByTrps | OptimizationAllocationGroupByCost) => {
if (oa.name.indexOf("%") === -1) {
oa.y = (Math.round(oa.y * 100) / 100);
oa.name = oa.name + ": " + oa.y + "%";
if (presentationResults.length > 10) {
let accumPercentage: number = 100;
presentationResults.sort((v1: any, v2: any) => v1.y > v2.y ? -1 : 1).length = 9;
presentationResults.forEach(updateResult => {
accumPercentage -= updateResult.y;
presentationResults.push({name: "Others: " + Math.round(((accumPercentage))) + "%", y: accumPercentage});
this.pieChartOptions.series[0].data = presentationResults;
this.pieChartOptionsBig.series[0].data = presentationResults;
this.chartOptions.xAxis.title.text = this.xAxis.name;
this.chartOptions.title.text = "Reach +1/" + this.xAxis.name;
this.pieChartOptions.title.text = this.xAxis.name + " by Daypart";
this.pieChartOptionsBig.title.text = this.xAxis.name + " by Daypart";
this.chartOptions = {... this.chartOptions };
this.pieChartOptions = {... this.pieChartOptions };
this.pieChartOptionsBig = {... this.pieChartOptionsBig };
And here's an example of the charts:
On this example the orange slice should be "#205493"
As is the first item on the colors array.
Any ideas on how to achieve this?
this.pieChartOptions.series[0].data = presentationResults.sort((a,b)=>a-b)
– Eliseo