
I need to provide Chat Contact in a site where the visitors can chat with operators. The chats are channeled into different business organized queues: sales, support, product information, etc. Can you suggest me an architecture that would cover:

  • Server side chat server with the queue routing, DB, operators online status, etc.
  • Operator web application
  • Visitors Operators
  • Real time monitoring web site

I am taking a look to:

  • node.js + Socket.io + Redis pub/sub: I have to implement all the messaging system
  • XMPP server like Openfire
  • RabbitMQ

What youd you suggest? any other idea?


You are right on but would add MongoDB to store customer contacts chat history as its a real pain to have to reiterate your last chat to another representative.King Friday

1 Answers


You may want to take a look at the Fastpath service and webchat for Openfire. It provides at least some of this functionality.