I need to implement an XMPP based live-chat system in Django. After a lot of scourging and ideas from a colleague, we came up with this.
Method using a bot:
- When a visitor visits the site. The visitor's XMPP client which in this case is Strophe.JS begins an XMPP-over-BOSH connection to the XMPP server and connects to a room called
. Currently there is no one else in the room. - The visitor makes an analytics request with a custom visitor id to Django
- The Django view, stores the visitor id in a table called
. This table contains a new field as well calledstatus
. It sets thestatus
. - This model dispatches a signal on the
method. - This signal gets picked up by a bot which connects to the XMPP server and joins the room
. Now we have the user and the bot in the room. - The site support people are logged into their web interface.
- They have JS code that keeps long-polling the Django site to check the
. It fetches the rows from the table and displays it. (I've thought of using django-pubsub for this) - When the visitor types a message, it goes via XMPP-over-BOSH to the XMPP server, the jabber bot in the room see this message and updates the status of the record in the
table toACTIVE
. - As said: The site support people have JS which keeps polling this table. It begins blinking the ow to show that the user is now chatting.
- The support personnel can now double-click that row which on doing so begins an XMPP-over-BOSH connection to the visitor's room. It knows that the room is
. - The bot seeing that the support person has joined the room, updates
record to showCHATTING
. This ensures that no more than support personnel can be in the room i.e. room occupied. - The bot logs the messages to a Django table
- When the both sees that both users have left the room, it deletes the record.
ejabberd or openfire will be XMPP server. Apache is the web server which runs mod_wsgi for serving Django and mod_proxy for proxying the XMPP-over-BOSh requests to the XMPP server.
Does this sound like a good of doing this? Any suggestions? I'm worried about the load on the Django system.
(It's long. Sorry 'bout that.)
Method using Presence Stanzas:
On the client side, i'm using Strophe JS library which supports presence and I had add callback methods. I'm flexible with using ejabberd or openfire as my XMPP server. The are many visitors on the XMPP server — some from site A and some from site B but they are all connected to the same XMPP server. When the visitor visits the site, they are connected to the XMPP server as <visitor_id>_<site_id>@demo.com
and each one gets logged into a room called <visitor_id>@conference.demo.com
. The sales/support personnel are also connected to the XMPP sever as <supportsale_id>_<site_id>@demo.com
. They are not connected to any chat room though. They don't have any of the visitors on their roster.
A good way of showing that a user has connected to the site would be to pass a presence stanza to the sales/support people. Only visitors and sale/support personnel from the same site communicate with each other and that's why I have the <site_id>
in the username to show which site that person belongs to.
It seems that you can't subscribe to presence stanzas for a user if you don't have him on your roster. (Quite logical). Is is possible to automatically add every new user of a site connecting to the system to the roster of the sales/support people of that site? Wouldn't this then automatically signal a presence to the sales/support people? How can I implement this — any help?