I have been trying to get a grasp on how implicit parameters work in Scala. As far as I can tell the implicit parameter resolution goes something like this:
- Explicitly passing an object to the method.
- implicit definitons defined in scope.
- Companion object of the class used as a implicit parameter
However, when I started playing around with this in conjunction lazy vals I got a bit of a supprise. It seems that lazy vals only ever use the last resolution rules. Here is some sample code to illustrate:
class Bar(val name:String)
object Bar { implicit def bar = new Bar("some default bar") }
class Foo {
lazy val list = initialize
def initialize(implicit f:Bar) = {
println("initialize called with Bar: '" + f.name + "' ...")
trait NonDefaultBar extends Foo {
implicit def f = new Bar("mixed in implicit bar")
def mixedInInit = initialize
lazy val mixedInList = list
object Test {
def test = {
println("Case 1: with implicitp parameter from companion object")
val foo1 = new Foo
println("Case 2: with mixedin implicit parameter overriding the default one...")
val foo2 = new Foo with NonDefaultBar
val foo3 = new Foo with NonDefaultBar
println("Case 3: with local implicit parameter overriding the default one...")
implicit def nonDefaultBar = new Bar("locally scoped implicit bar")
val foo4 = new Foo
Calling Test.test
gives the following output:
Case 1: with implicitp parameter from companion object
initialize called with Bar: 'some default bar' ...
initialize called with Bar: 'some default bar' ...
Case 2: with mixedin implicit parameter overriding the default one...
initialize called with Bar: 'some default bar' ...
initialize called with Bar: 'mixed in implicit bar'...
Case 3: with local implicit parameter overriding the default one...
initialize called with Bar: 'some default bar' ...
initialize called with Bar: 'locally scoped implicit bar' ...
Why does the compiler not catch that there is a implict Bar mixed in when calling mixedInList in Case 2. In Case 3 it also misses the locally defined implicit Bar when accessing the list.
Are there any ways to use implicit parameters with lazy vals that does not use the implicit defined in the companion object?