
I have this simple Performance Counter setup. The thing is that this Performance Counter is completely useless. It measures CPU usage percentage for a time span of 60 Seconds and logs the number. What I need to do is to somehow make it filter the data so that it only logs the numbers whit high CPU utilization, like 80%+. I don't want to inflate the log with garbage data.

diagnosticMonitorConfiguration.PerformanceCounters.ScheduledTransferPeriod = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2D);
diagnosticMonitorConfiguration.PerformanceCounters.BufferQuotaInMB = 10;
TimeSpan perfSampleRate = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60D);

 diagnosticMonitorConfiguration.PerformanceCounters.DataSources.Add(new PerformanceCounterConfiguration()
    CounterSpecifier = @"\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time",
    SampleRate = perfSampleRate

1 Answers


What you are requesting is not really possible. You can transfer CPU values into the table as often as once per minute per instance. But you will want to use a custom query against the WADPerformanceCountersTable in order to get values that are only over a certain threshold.

What are you trying to do? End goal?