I have this simple Performance Counter setup. The thing is that this Performance Counter is completely useless. It measures CPU usage percentage for a time span of 60 Seconds and logs the number. What I need to do is to somehow make it filter the data so that it only logs the numbers whit high CPU utilization, like 80%+. I don't want to inflate the log with garbage data.
diagnosticMonitorConfiguration.PerformanceCounters.ScheduledTransferPeriod = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2D);
diagnosticMonitorConfiguration.PerformanceCounters.BufferQuotaInMB = 10;
TimeSpan perfSampleRate = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60D);
diagnosticMonitorConfiguration.PerformanceCounters.DataSources.Add(new PerformanceCounterConfiguration()
CounterSpecifier = @"\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time",
SampleRate = perfSampleRate