[My Attempts]
Already went through
How to get the CPU Usage in C#? But "_Total" Instance of Processor would give me total consumption of CPU as opposed to specifc application or 'process'
What exactly is CPU Time in task manager? , explains it but does not say how to retrive this value.
After referring http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/12984.understanding-processor-processor-time-and-process-processor-time.aspx
I got that
TotalProcessorTimeCounter = new PerformanceCounter("Process", "% Processor Time", processName);
has a baseline of (No.of Logical CPU*100) Basically, this does not give me a scale of 100% over CPU consumed.
Tried digging around task manager and found that Task manger->Processor-> CPU Usage is on a scale of 100.
Processor\% Processor Time object does not take process name as input. it only has '_Total' as an input.
How do I get this data(CPU consumption) using performance counters over a scale of 100 for a particular process for a multi-core system?