I am trying to find a tool similar to heat for WiX that will allow me to harvest file and folder entries for Inno Setup. Is there anything available?
Edit: Heat is used to harvest installation artifacts (files, folders, registry entries, etc) from a machine and generate a WiX source file. I know Wise for Windows Installer had a wild card option that performed a similar function. I have not found anything similar for Inno Setup.
I am trying to include hundreds of files (dozens of folders) of sample projects and data to go with our application installation. These will change between releases and I was hoping to automate this portion of the installation authoring.
but from a quick view, basically do you need to collect files from certain directory by some rules and generate setup from them ? If so, I think batch file script might be enough, but it's a good idea to create such tool if there's no one already (it would be open source in Delphi). InnoSetup itself has a fewcommand line parameters
for setup compiler where you can defineinclude
for certain folders, so this might also include your desired files. – TLama