Nice! Very slick.
I was disappointed that Excel doesn't let us paste to a merged cell and also pastes results containing a break into successive rows below the "target" cell though, as that meant it simply doesn't work for me. I tried a few tweaks (unmerge/remerge, etc.) but then Excel dropped anything below a break, so that was a dead end.
Ultimately, I came up with a routine that'll handle simple tags and not use the "native" Unicode converter that is causing the issue with merged fields. Hope others find this useful:
Public Sub AddHTMLFormattedText(rngA As Range, strHTML As String, Optional blnShowBadHTMLWarning As Boolean = False)
' Adds converts text formatted with basic HTML tags to formatted text in an Excel cell
' NOTE: Font Sizes not handled perfectly per HTML standard, but I find this method more useful!
Dim strActualText As String, intSrcPos As Integer, intDestPos As Integer, intDestSrcEquiv() As Integer
Dim varyTags As Variant, varTag As Variant, varEndTag As Variant, blnTagMatch As Boolean
Dim intCtr As Integer
Dim intStartPos As Integer, intEndPos As Integer, intActualStartPos As Integer, intActualEndPos As Integer
Dim intFontSizeStartPos As Integer, intFontSizeEndPos As Integer, intFontSize As Integer
varyTags = Array("<b>", "</b>", "<i>", "</i>", "<u>", "</u>", "<sub>", "</sub>", "<sup>", "</sup>")
' Remove unhandled/unneeded tags, convert <br> and <p> tags to line feeds
strHTML = Trim(strHTML)
strHTML = Replace(strHTML, "<html>", "")
strHTML = Replace(strHTML, "</html>", "")
strHTML = Replace(strHTML, "<p>", "")
While LCase(Right$(strHTML, 4)) = "</p>" Or LCase(Right$(strHTML, 4)) = "<br>"
strHTML = Left$(strHTML, Len(strHTML) - 4)
strHTML = Trim(strHTML)
strHTML = Replace(strHTML, "<br>", vbLf)
strHTML = Replace(strHTML, "</p>", vbLf)
strHTML = Trim(strHTML)
ReDim intDestSrcEquiv(1 To Len(strHTML))
strActualText = ""
intSrcPos = 1
intDestPos = 1
Do While intSrcPos <= Len(strHTML)
blnTagMatch = False
For Each varTag In varyTags
If LCase(Mid$(strHTML, intSrcPos, Len(varTag))) = varTag Then
blnTagMatch = True
intSrcPos = intSrcPos + Len(varTag)
If intSrcPos > Len(strHTML) Then Exit Do
Exit For
End If
If blnTagMatch = False Then
varTag = "<font size"
If LCase(Mid$(strHTML, intSrcPos, Len(varTag))) = varTag Then
blnTagMatch = True
intEndPos = InStr(intSrcPos, strHTML, ">")
intSrcPos = intEndPos + 1
If intSrcPos > Len(strHTML) Then Exit Do
varTag = "</font>"
If LCase(Mid$(strHTML, intSrcPos, Len(varTag))) = varTag Then
blnTagMatch = True
intSrcPos = intSrcPos + Len(varTag)
If intSrcPos > Len(strHTML) Then Exit Do
End If
End If
End If
If blnTagMatch = False Then
strActualText = strActualText & Mid$(strHTML, intSrcPos, 1)
intDestSrcEquiv(intSrcPos) = intDestPos
intDestPos = intDestPos + 1
intSrcPos = intSrcPos + 1
End If
' Clear any bold/underline/italic/superscript/subscript formatting from cell
rngA.Font.Bold = False
rngA.Font.Underline = False
rngA.Font.Italic = False
rngA.Font.Subscript = False
rngA.Font.Superscript = False
rngA.Value = strActualText
' Now start applying Formats!"
' Start with Font Size first
intSrcPos = 1
intDestPos = 1
Do While intSrcPos <= Len(strHTML)
varTag = "<font size"
If LCase(Mid$(strHTML, intSrcPos, Len(varTag))) = varTag Then
intFontSizeStartPos = InStr(intSrcPos, strHTML, """") + 1
intFontSizeEndPos = InStr(intFontSizeStartPos, strHTML, """") - 1
If intFontSizeEndPos - intFontSizeStartPos <= 3 And intFontSizeEndPos - intFontSizeStartPos > 0 Then
Debug.Print Mid$(strHTML, intFontSizeStartPos, intFontSizeEndPos - intFontSizeStartPos + 1)
If Mid$(strHTML, intFontSizeStartPos, 1) = "+" Then
intFontSizeStartPos = intFontSizeStartPos + 1
intFontSize = 11 + 2 * Mid$(strHTML, intFontSizeStartPos, intFontSizeEndPos - intFontSizeStartPos + 1)
ElseIf Mid$(strHTML, intFontSizeStartPos, 1) = "-" Then
intFontSizeStartPos = intFontSizeStartPos + 1
intFontSize = 11 - 2 * Mid$(strHTML, intFontSizeStartPos, intFontSizeEndPos - intFontSizeStartPos + 1)
intFontSize = Mid$(strHTML, intFontSizeStartPos, intFontSizeEndPos - intFontSizeStartPos + 1)
End If
' Error!
End If
intEndPos = InStr(intSrcPos, strHTML, ">")
intSrcPos = intEndPos + 1
intStartPos = intSrcPos
If intSrcPos > Len(strHTML) Then Exit Do
While intDestSrcEquiv(intStartPos) = 0 And intStartPos < Len(strHTML)
intStartPos = intStartPos + 1
If intStartPos >= Len(strHTML) Then GoTo HTML_Err ' HTML is bad!
varEndTag = "</font>"
intEndPos = InStr(intSrcPos, LCase(strHTML), varEndTag)
If intEndPos = 0 Then GoTo HTML_Err ' HTML is bad!
While intDestSrcEquiv(intEndPos) = 0 And intEndPos > intSrcPos
intEndPos = intEndPos - 1
If intEndPos > intSrcPos Then
intActualStartPos = intDestSrcEquiv(intStartPos)
intActualEndPos = intDestSrcEquiv(intEndPos)
rngA.Characters(intActualStartPos, intActualEndPos - intActualStartPos + 1) _
.Font.Size = intFontSize
End If
End If
intSrcPos = intSrcPos + 1
'Now do remaining tags
intSrcPos = 1
intDestPos = 1
Do While intSrcPos <= Len(strHTML)
If intDestSrcEquiv(intSrcPos) = 0 Then
' This must be a Tag!
For intCtr = 0 To UBound(varyTags) Step 2
varTag = varyTags(intCtr)
intStartPos = intSrcPos + Len(varTag)
While intDestSrcEquiv(intStartPos) = 0 And intStartPos < Len(strHTML)
intStartPos = intStartPos + 1
If intStartPos >= Len(strHTML) Then GoTo HTML_Err ' HTML is bad!
If LCase(Mid$(strHTML, intSrcPos, Len(varTag))) = varTag Then
varEndTag = varyTags(intCtr + 1)
intEndPos = InStr(intSrcPos, LCase(strHTML), varEndTag)
If intEndPos = 0 Then GoTo HTML_Err ' HTML is bad!
While intDestSrcEquiv(intEndPos) = 0 And intEndPos > intSrcPos
intEndPos = intEndPos - 1
If intEndPos > intSrcPos Then
intActualStartPos = intDestSrcEquiv(intStartPos)
intActualEndPos = intDestSrcEquiv(intEndPos)
With rngA.Characters(intActualStartPos, intActualEndPos - intActualStartPos + 1).Font
If varTag = "<b>" Then
.Bold = True
ElseIf varTag = "<i>" Then
.Italic = True
ElseIf varTag = "<u>" Then
.Underline = True
ElseIf varTag = "<sup>" Then
.Superscript = True
ElseIf varTag = "<sub>" Then
.Subscript = True
End If
End With
End If
intSrcPos = intSrcPos + Len(varTag) - 1
Exit For
End If
End If
intSrcPos = intSrcPos + 1
intDestPos = intDestPos + 1
Exit Sub
' There was an error with the Tags. Show warning if requested.
If blnShowBadHTMLWarning Then
MsgBox "There was an error with the Tags in the HTML file. Could not apply formatting."
End If
End Sub
Note this doesn't care about tag nesting, instead only requiring a close tag for every open tag, and assuming the close tag nearest the opening tag applies to the opening tag. Properly nested tags will work fine, while improperly nested tags will not be rejected and may or may not work.