
I need to find a good control for VB.Net to upload big files to an FTP server:

  • Can upload files up to 10GB
  • Uses passive mode
  • Provides feedback during upload, to make sure it's going OK
  • Can cancel and resume
  • Up to two concurrent connections

I read about WebClient + NetworkCredential, but it doesn't seem to provide progress infos. There are also the FTPWebRequest/FTPWebResponse classes from WebRequest/WebResponse, as well as WebClient.UploadFileAsync.

Which free/affordable solution would you recommend?

Thank you.


1 Answers


You should expect the following to be provided by every FTP client classes/controls, as they are supported by FTP the protocol.

  • Can upload files up to 10GB
  • Uses passive mode
  • Can cancel and resume

The following requires you to make good use of the classes/controls, for example, use two client classes/controls at the same time.

  • Up to two concurrent connections

RemObjects has a free pack called Internet Pack, where you can find a class called FtpClient,



It supports all FTP features above, and it provides upload progress too, via events. You can read its documentation or simply write a small program to test it out.

To support multiple connections to the same FTP server, you can create multiple instances of this class.