I'm trying to get details of a user from his/her LinkedIn profile using JavaScript API. but the problem is i only getting the details such as firstName, lastName, headline and profile picture. other than that i'm not able to get anything. I have followed the tutorial in Linkedin Developer and i want to add fields like industry, network, date-of-birth, main-address,
1 Answers
They are right here: https://developer.linkedin.com/documents/profile-fields
But the point is accessing those fields for another account (not yours or your API key) might be not possible due to policies.
Update for comment:
I assume you are following the guide in the link you provided first and you are already getting the results you want (name, picture etc...). For the other fileds just provide the field name in the link I pasted above and see what happens. for example change the field line to:
IN.API.Profile("me") .fields(["industry", "network", "date-of-birth"])
That is use the field names in that link and do wathever you want with the returned data.