I want to have a time series of 2x2 complex matrices,Ot, and I then want to have 1-line commands to multiply an array of complex vectors Vt, by the array Ot where the position in the array is understood as the time instant. I will want Vtprime(i) = Ot(i)*Vt(i). Can anyone suggest a simple way to implement this?
Suppose I have a matrix, M(t), where the elements m(j,k) are functions of t and t is an element of some series (t = 0:0.1:3). Can I create an array of matrices very easily?
I understand how to have an array in Matlab, and even a two dimensional array, where each "i" index holds two complex numbers (j=0,1). That would be a way to have a "time series of complex 2-d vectors". A way to have a time series of complex matrices would be a three dimensional array. (i,j,k) denotes the "ith" matrix and j=0,1 and k=0,1 give the elements of that matrix.
If I go a head and treat matlab like a programming language with no special packages, then I end up having to write the matrix multiplications in terms of loops etc. This then goes towards all the matrix operations. I would prefer to use commands that will make all this very easy if I can.