I am new to Windows forms and having an issue handling all the user controls. I have 3 User Controls, and when I click a accept button it takes me to the second screen (which is user control 2) but then when I click cancel on the second screen it brings me back to the first screen (I load the first user control again) the issue now is that when I click again "Accept" the welcome user control returns null and errors.
private void Viewer_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { formPanel.Controls.Clear(); formPanel.Controls.Add(wel); }
private void SwapControls(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (formPanel.Controls.Contains(wel))
else if (formPanel.Controls.Contains(pin) && IsAuthenticated)
else if(formPanel.Controls.Contains(pin) && !Global.IsAuthenticated)
So the first time around it loads up the welcome user control, then there I click "Accept" and it clears the User control and loads up the second one "Enter Pin Control", from there when I click "Cancel" I remove that User Control and Load up again Welcome. BUT now, when I click Accept, I get a null in this line in the welcome user control
this.AddControl(this, new EventArgs());
Again, I am new to windows forms and I am learning, any inputs would be much appreciated.