i wrote a small application that will monitor the clipboard and paste text directly in a webbrowser component.
DocumentWysiwyg = ClipBoardWebBrowser.Document.DomDocument as IHTMLDocument2;
DocumentWysiwyg.designMode = "On";
and when the Clipboard changes, i paste the Clipboard content into the webbrowser using:
now, when pasting any copied content from web as html, i get inside the html
span class="Apple-converted-space">Â </span
which does not belong to the html i copied from a website.
what are those? and how can i get rid of them? any help is really appreciated .
here is the html code for google.de as example http://pastie.org/pastes/3706386/text
how would i make sure that the pasted clipboard is exactly the same as the copied data in the clipboard?