
The specific name of what I am trying to do is "unproject" = to map a screen point to the 3D world.

So I found this site which has simple equations for mapping 3D coordinates to a 2D screen:


I've used these equations extensively, but now i want to be able to interact with the 3D world by hovering over the screen.

Rather than having the 2D coordinates be linked to the 3D objects I wanted to find an equation which maps onscreen points to the real. I tried reverse engineering the following 2 equations to try and find the answer:

screenPoint.x = (int) ((eye.z * (realPoint.x-eye.x)) / (eye.z + realPoint.z) + eye.x);
screenPoint.y = 480 - (int) ((eye.z * (realPoint.y-eye.y)) / (eye.z + realPoint.z) + eye.y);

However I was not successful (not mathematically possible).

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


This is not possible in the general case (a projection is not invertible). But in simple cases, you could use ray tracing to determine what object projects onto a given pixel. Or you could pre-generate the info when you generate the 2D image.Oliver Charlesworth
So you are saying that with ray tracing I can, given: -camera coordinates -equation of the screen plane -equation of some flat (xz) plane in the 3D world map points from the screen to the plane in the 3D world? I am just trying to have points on the xz plane light up when I hover over them.user1170679
I found the answer to my question: stackoverflow.com/questions/9971701/…user1170679

1 Answers


I once had a similar problem. What I did was I found out the field of view that was being used in opengl and worked out the Z distance at which 1 pixel on the screen = 1 unit in opengl. Now Whenever I point anywhere on the screen and I have the X and Y coordinates of the mouse onscreen and the Z coordinate I calculated earlier based on the FOV. I now have a definite 3d coordinate. I then "drew" an imaginary line from the camera to that point and see what it hit. I know this is not a straightforward answer, but what you're asking is not possible. Here's a way to do it with some trickery