I've been using scala for a while now and I thought I was really starting to understand everything (well, most things...), but I found myself confused by a number of the method definitions in the Map class. I know how foldLeft, etc work, but what I'm confused about is the type parameters used in the Map functions. Let's use foldLeft as an example:
foldLeft [B] (z: B)(op: (B, (A, B)) ⇒ B) : B
The definition for the Map trait itself takes two type parameters 'A' and 'B' (e.g. Map[A,+B]). From what I can tell, when you define a type parameter for a method using the same name as one of the type parameters for the class/trait, it overrides the class/trait value. Take this definition of Foo as an example:
class Foo[A : Manifest, B : Manifest] {
def isAString() = manifest[A] == manifest[String]
def isAInt() = manifest[A] == manifest[Int]
def isBString() = manifest[B] == manifest[String]
def isBInt() = manifest[B] == manifest[Int]
def nowIsBString[B : Manifest] = manifest[B] == manifest[String]
scala> val f = new Foo[String,Int]
f: Foo[String,Int] = Foo@7bacb41
scala> f.isAString
res290: Boolean = true
scala> f.isAInt
res291: Boolean = false
scala> f.isBString
res292: Boolean = false
scala> f.isBInt
res293: Boolean = true
scala> f.nowIsBString[String]
res294: Boolean = true
scala> f.nowIsBString[Int]
res295: Boolean = false
So in the foldLeft definition, 'B' comes from the method definition and 'A' comes from the trait definition. For example:
val xm = Map("test" -> 1, "test2" -> 2)
scala> val foldFn = (z: Int, kv: (String, Int)) => z + kv._2
foldFn: (Int, (String, Int)) => Int = <function2>
scala> m.foldLeft(0)(foldFn)
res298: Int = 3
This is as expected as 'B' for the function matches 'B' for the trait, but what if I change the 'B' type for the function to String instead of Int:
scala> val foldFn = (z: String, kv: (String, String)) => z + kv._2
foldFn: (String, (String, String)) => java.lang.String = <function2>
scala> m.foldLeft("")(foldFn)
<console>:19: error: type mismatch;
found : (String, (String, String)) => java.lang.String
required: (java.lang.String, (java.lang.String, Int)) => java.lang.String
So let's change the kv parameter to (String, Int):
scala> val foldFn = (z: String, kv: (String, Int)) => z + kv._2
foldFn: (String, (String, Int)) => java.lang.String = <function2>
scala> m.foldLeft("")(foldFn)
res299: java.lang.String = 12
Unlike my Foo example, in this case the Map's 'B' value is taking precedence over the functions definition, but only for the kv parameter. What I would have expected is to see a foldLeft defined as follows:
foldLeft[C] (z: C)(op: (C, (A, B)) => C): C
That would be more clear to me, but it is not defined this way. So does anyone know the rules for when a methods parameter will override a trait/class parameter and when it will not?
is defined onTraversableOnce
. It'sA
parameter is that ofTraversableOnce
, not that ofMap
. – Daniel C. Sobral