
magento How do I? manual order (backend) free shipping, actually pickup

Hi we want to be able to enter order in the adminhtml backend (we enter for customer).

Our problems are

1) the customer pays us cash. How do we enable this only for the backend (now we have to select credit card,- the option availbale on checkout)

2) The customer wants to pickup. But we dont want to offer this option to all customers via checkout. So this option is only available for us in the backend

Has anyone run into this before?


2 Answers


You can allow cash payment in the Model:

public function  isAvailable($quote = null)
    return (parent::isAvailable($quote) && Mage::app()->getStore()->isAdmin());

This will enable you payment method only in Admin.


For free shipping at backend, I suggest trying this free module. It gives you a option of adding a custom shipping rate while creating order at the backend, that you can always set to zero according to your needs.


As far as pay by cash is concerned, you can use the check/moneyorder payment method, and just hide the phtml code for this method on the frontend.