Having recently seen a presentation of Clojure Protocols, I was quite impressed by the clean way extensions to existing types can be done this way. However, I was pretty sure to have already seen a similar way of doing this in some other language and after some time I found out it was Groovy Categories.
Compare this:
@Category(String) class StringCategory {
String lower() {
return this.toLowerCase()
use (StringCategory) {
assert "test" == "TeSt".lower()
to the Clojure Protocol equivalent (taken from mikera's answer below and tested in ideone.com)
(defprotocol Lowerable
(lower [x]))
(extend-protocol Lowerable
(lower [s]
(.toLowerCase s)))
(println (lower "HELLO"))
my question is:
- besides from performance differences (it is said that Clojure is highly optimized in this regard) - is there a semantic difference between the two approaches?
- besides the clumsy syntax, is there anything logically wrong with the Groovy approach?
Disclaimer: I am a complete Clojure newbie!